The xtpxlib-container component contains the following support (pipelines and/or libraries) for XProc 1.0:

WARNING: XProc 1.0 support is considered deprecated and will be removed in the near future!

container.mod.xplXProc library with steps for handling xtpxlib containers.

4.1 XProc (1.0) library: container.mod.xpl

File: xplmod/container.mod/container.mod.xpl

XProc library with steps for handling xtpxlib containers.

PrefixNamespace URI
xtlcon:container-to-diskWrites the contents of a container to disk.
xtlcon:container-to-zipWrites the contents of a container to a zip file.
xtlcon:directory-to-containerReads a directory into a container. All XML files will be read into the container, all other files will be included/referenced as external contents.
xtlcon:zip-to-containerReads a zip file into a container. All XML files will be read into the container, all other files will be included/referenced as external contents.

4.1.1 Step: xtlcon:container-to-disk

Writes the contents of a container to disk.

sourceinyesThe container to process.
resultoutyesThe input container, but with changes that reflect the writing process.
href-fop-config resolve-uri('../../../xtpxlib-common/data/fop-default-config.xml', static-base-uri())Optional reference to an Apache FOP configuration file. Must be absolute! When not present a default file will be used.
href-target ''Base path where to write the container. When you specify this it will have precedence over a /*/@href-target-path.
indent-xml false()Whether to indent the XML we create or not.
remove-target true()Whether to attempt to remove the target directory before writing.

4.1.2 Step: xtlcon:container-to-zip

Writes the contents of a container to a zip file.

sourceinyesThe container to process.
resultoutyesThe input container, but with all the changes in links, paths, etc.
href-fop-config ''Optional reference to an Apache FOP configuration file. Must be absolute! When not present a default file will be used.
href-target-zip Base path where to write the container. When you specify this it will have precedence over /*/@href-target-zip.
indent-xml false()Whether to indent the XML we create or not.

4.1.3 Step: xtlcon:directory-to-container

Reads a directory into a container. All XML files will be read into the container, all other files will be included/referenced as external contents.

resultoutyesThe output container.
add-document-target-paths true()Adds (relative) source paths as the target paths to the individual documents.
href-source-directoryyesReference to the directory to read.
href-target-path ''Optional target path to record on the container.

4.1.4 Step: xtlcon:zip-to-container

Reads a zip file into a container. All XML files will be read into the container, all other files will be included/referenced as external contents.

resultoutyesThe output container.
add-document-target-paths true()Adds source paths as the target paths to the individual documents.
href-source-zipyesReference to the zip file to read.
href-target-path ''Optional target path to record on the container.